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Drug Diversion and NRS 458.3363

Thu Mar 5th, by Criminal Defense |

Drugs are bad. We know this. But, drugs are a problem for many people in the Las Vegas Valley. Nevada has been historically quite strict when it comes to possession of controlled substances (other than marijuana). Possession of a small amount of cocaine, meth, heroin, or other controlled substances (other […]

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Mesothelioma – a tragic disease

Thu Feb 20th, by General |

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that develops in the slim layer of tissue around most of your internal organs. The vast majority of cases primarily affect the lungs. There are a wide variety of treatments available for mesothelioma, but there is no cure. Pleural Mesothelioma, that which occurs in […]

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Why you need a lawyer after a car accident

Thu Oct 31st, by Personal Injury |

A lot of people ask the same question after a car accident. Why would I need a lawyer? Some people make the mistake of asking their insurance representative if they need a lawyer. Often times people will suggest to “do it yourself” or that “you will make less money” if […]

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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Fri Oct 25th, by Personal Injury |

Many people who are involved in car accidents or other incidents can suffer from a Traumatic Brain Injury, or TBI. Blunt force trauma to the head is generally the cause of a TBI. Any kind of blunt force trauma can be the cause. Sometimes a TBI is caused when the […]

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