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FAQ - What To Do If You Are In A Car Accident

Q: I was in a car accident in Las Vegas. What should I do to protect myself?


There are several things you should do if you were recently in a car accident.

  1. Call the police and report the car crash.
  2. If you are able, take photos of the area and both vehicles while at the scene.
  3. Take the other driver’s information and insurance information as well as any other witnesses.
  4. Do not talk with anyone about fault, the facts, or your potential injuries.
  5. If you need to, go to the hospital; accept a ride via ambulance. If you do not need emergency care, go to a Quick Care or other quick service provider and and get checked; Use your health insurance to pay for this if available.
  6. Write down the events as you remember them so that it stays fresh in your mind; Write “attorney-client privilege” at the top of that writing.
  7. Call and make an appointment with the law firm of Boley & AlDabbagh at 702-435-3333 and retain counsel.
  8. Be diligent about attending all prescribed treatment.
  9. Keep daily notes about pain levels and whatever other negative impacts your injuries are having on your life.
  10. Sit back and heal while the Boley and AlDabbagh Law Firm takes care of the rest.