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Author: Joshua U. AlDabbagh

Understanding the HIPAA Authorization: A Vital Component of Comprehensive Estate Planning

Wed Jun 12th, by General |

When it comes to estate planning, ensuring that your wishes are respected and your loved ones are taken care of is paramount. However, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is protecting your medical privacy and ensuring that your designated representatives have access to your health information when needed. This […]

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Health Care Power of Attorney and Its Benefits in Estate Planning

Wed Jun 12th, by General |

Estate planning is an essential process that ensures your wishes are respected not only after your death but also in situations where you are still alive, but may be unable to make decisions for yourself. One critical component of a comprehensive estate plan is a health care power of attorney. […]

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General Durable Power of Attorney and Its Benefits in Estate Planning

Wed Jun 12th, by General |

Estate planning is more than just deciding how your assets will be distributed after your death. It also involves planning for potential situations where you might be unable to manage your affairs due to illness, injury, or incapacity. One essential tool in this regard is the general durable power of […]

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Understanding Wills and Why You Should Pair Them With Trusts

Wed Jun 12th, by General |

When it comes to estate planning, having a clear, legally binding document outlining your wishes is essential. One of the most common and fundamental components of estate planning is a will. However, to enhance the effectiveness of your estate plan, pairing a will with a trust, specifically a pour-over will, […]

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